Mohamed Elashri

How to install 1password on Asahi Linux?

I recently took the plunge and installed Asahi Linux on my Apple Silicon Mac to get some hands-on Linux experience and dual boot with macOS. It’s been an exciting journey so far, but I quickly realized that some of my favorite apps, like 1Password, aren’t readily available in the package manager for Asahi Linux or even Fedora in general.

After some digging, I discovered that 1Password doesn’t provide ARM builds in the package repositories for any Linux distribution, including Fedora and Asahi Fedora. However, not all hope was lost! With a bit of scripting magic, I managed to install 1Password on my Asahi Linux system and even created a convenient desktop shortcut in KDE Wayland.

Let me walk you through the step-by-step process of installing 1Password on Asahi Linux Fedora for Apple Silicon Macs.

Step 1: Download the 1Password Archive

First, we need to download the latest 1Password archive for Linux. Run the following command in your terminal:

1curl -sSO

Step 2: Extract the Archive

Once the download is complete, extract the archive using the tar command:

1tar -xf 1password-latest.tar.gz

Step 3: Create the Installation Directory

Next, create a directory where we will install 1Password. In this example, we’ll use /opt/1Password:

1sudo mkdir -p /opt/1Password

Step 4: Move Files to the Installation Directory

Move the extracted files from the archive to the installation directory:

1sudo mv 1password-*/* /opt/1Password

Step 5: Run the After-Install Script

1Password includes an after-install script that sets up necessary permissions and configurations. Run the script with the following command:

1sudo /opt/1Password/

Step 6: Clean Up Downloaded Files

To keep your system tidy, remove the downloaded archive and extracted files:

1rm -f 1password-latest.tar.gz
2rm -rf 1password-*

Step 7: Create a Desktop Entry

To create a desktop shortcut for 1Password in KDE Wayland, we’ll create a desktop entry file. First, create the directory for the desktop entry if it doesn’t already exist:

1mkdir -p ~/.local/share/applications

Then, create a file named 1password.desktop in the ~/.local/share/applications directory with the following content:

 1cat <<EOL > ~/.local/share/applications/1password.desktop
 2[Desktop Entry]
 4Comment=1Password Password Manager

Step 8: Make the Desktop Entry Executable

To ensure that the desktop entry is executable, run the following command:

1chmod +x ~/.local/share/applications/1password.desktop

Finally, update the desktop database to ensure that the new desktop entry is recognized by KDE Wayland:

1update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications/

And there you have it! You can now launch 1Password from your application menu in KDE Wayland on Asahi Linux Fedora for Mac. And happy password managing!