n-mermaid, Mermaid viewer in browser
Yesterday I spent the night preparing a dense slides deck for a talk I’m giving for my research group. I rely more on mermaid now to create diagrams and flowcharts. Canva is another option but my tendency to reply on open solutions is taking the best out of me sometimes. But I don’t regret it. I like the simplicity of mermaid and the fact that it is open source and can be used in markdown files. But I find that I had to do some screenshots for the output and didn’t like that. So today during my lunch break I decided to create a simple web app that will take the mermaid code and render it in the browser and allow me to export it to PNG, PDF and SVG. I called it n-mermaid.
It is not live on my website and can be accesses via https://melashri.net/n-mermaid. It is a simple web app with minimalist style that relies on tailwind css (I didn’t even bother to not use the CDN version). It is a simple app that I created in a couple of hours and I’m happy with the result. It serves my purpose and doing one thing very well.